The Dark Knight
I don’t see a lot of regular movies. But I just saw this one because someone was going to see it. And so I thought I would check it out even though I didn’t see the first new Batman with Katie Holmes. I won’t say much except that Christian Bale is excellent, in general, at most things he does. But Heath Ledger was pleasantly amazing in a disturbing way, very disturbing. It’s nice to get a different type or variety of role for him, but it’s sad if it messed him up. He did extremely well.
10th South African International Documentary Festival http://www.encounters.co.za/
Iron Ladies of
I spoke about this film in the Madiba’s Birthday section. So read that.
Dear Morris
Levitan had a 9-year pen pal relationship with a guy from the
Old-time, Long-time Love
Kambandu is a young girl (maybe early 20’s) who doesn’t think marriage is relevant anymore disagreeing with her boyfriend. She goes around and interviews older couples to ask them why they got married and how they decided to do it.
Mbira’ My Music My Love
This is about an American-born Zimbabwean artist who is simply amazing. She plays a particular Zim instrument like a virtuoso.
Silent Response
A Congolese father lost his boy for awhile when the son left the house and ran away for a few days. They are united and work through counseling.
Where My Heart Belongs
Jen is a British girl who went to
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