April 25th is World Malaria Day.
And currently there are 109 malarious countries in the world. Many of them are in Africa. Malaria is still a problem in South Africa, but only in certain regions, as we have benefited from development and what it brings.
The Gates Foundation has donated over 20 million to Oxford University and WHO to create Worldwide
Antimalarial Drug Resistance Network (WARN).
There is a global malaria action plan in which you can take part. To read about it, first go here.
Fighting malaria is also connected with the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDG) and 2010 targets set by Secutary-General Ban Ki-Moon.
The eventual goal is complete eradication; mid-term goal is elimination from humans; and the short-term goal is reduction. So we are hoping to reach the first milestone in 2010 and the 2015 MDG of elimination.
Here are some Malaria sites to check out for more information.
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