It's the number one cancer for white and Asian women and the number two for black and coloured women. So it's a big deal here in South Africa. Of course, the relative development of South Africa allows it to focus on such (you can't go to Malawi and talk about breast cancer, can you?).
We have under 4,000 (the 2001 figure is 3800) diagnosed cases a year, so it's a concern for the population here. I've told you before that Oprah is huge. And apparently her magazine, Harpo, is big here. It has it's own South African version run by an entire South African magazine staff over. In face, South Africa has many version of US pop-culture magazines. Harpo is doing its part to boost awareness and make sure people are educated about breast cancer.
As a woman (whether you have it your family history or not) make sure you conduct self-breast exams regularly, receive regular mammograms, and educate yourself about early diagnosis and possible treatment options.

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