Sonic is offering to fund up to $600 for classroom projects on donorschoose each week in September through a campaign called "Limeades for Learning." They will provide funds to those projects receiving the maximum amounts of votes each week. Anyone can vote once a day for any project. His proposed project asks for an LCD projector for the classroom, a $900+ proposal that the Sonic grant would greatly assist in helping out. If this project is funded, he will receive "points" on donorschoose that will allow him to request materials for field trips, guest speakers, and more materials in the future.
Follow the directions to help Josh get an LCD projector for his class:
Go to
Click the link "Find a Project"
Click on "Keyword"
Type "Dugat" into the keyword search
His project is called: "Modernize Class! It's As Easy As L.C.D."
In advance, thanks and please pass on! Or just go and vote for whichever you actually
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