I was in graduate school and quite surprised the first time
I saw someone do it. I thought it was a mistake or I hadn’t seen the person
clearly. Perhaps the person was only blowing his nose in the stall next to me
or just changing clothes. Still it’s hard to mistake that uncontrolled
straining (hopefully he doesn’t have hemorrhoids or piles); he must have been
doing #2. But how is it possible that someone leaves a stall and walks straight
out without even a thought to wash his hands.
It happened again last week, but thankfully this man at
least rinsed his hands. But I was still shocked that he would bypass all of the
soap machines. Perhaps he thought he had to pay? But if he asked to borrow a
coin (which would not be true since we would never see each other again) I
would have given him a coin so he could try to kill the fecal bacteria on this
hand. I just couldn’t believe he was going to rinse and go eat food. My stomach
hurts thinking about it. Actually, hold that thought. I have a few quiz
questions for you. I’ll try to make most of them easy meaning 50-50%. Good
In the UK, we have automated urinals that circle
around a cylinder shaft that is below ground and raises above the ground on
Friday and Saturday nights. It allows men who are overly drunk to pee in the
middle of the street.
In Britain, you can purchase a smoked joint at
the neighbourhood store.
In the UK, on average you get about 4 weeks a
year off, to start.
There are usually no outlets in bathrooms in
In Britain, you can purchase an unsmoked joint
at the neighbourhood store.
Two-way residential and rural streets can be
from 1 to 1.5 car widths wide.
I can find no air conditioning here but all homes
have central heating.
Cars here only park facing one direction on the
same side of the street, and cars park on the sidewalks in the UK.
If you miss a turn while driving on the highway
here, you must generally drive a long distance before the next exit or
Arrange each of the following in increasing order
of land area and define what it includes.
British Isles, Great Britain, England, and
the United Kingdom.
The top 40s in the UK are dominated by
techno-style music.
Group the following terms together (for terms
that describe the same genre) and describe the sound or dance that each term or
group of terms represents:
Drum & Bass
Trance (or Tranz)
UPDATE July 31, 2012
I always hate writing these updates, and no one believes me.
The strange thing is that when I write one, I always remember why I write them.
I get the most wonderful responses back. And they are all different, unique, personalized.
Most people delete the updates. A small minority skim it. A smaller number read
certain parts, and a handful read every word. But what happens is that the
responses all pick up on different things. One person last time wrote to me
about the Arab world. Another wrote to me about the story of Cain’s Arcade.
Another wrote about London (after almost a year, people still don’t realise
where I live—ha!). And the list goes on. People tend to reply to what is relevant
to them, and I really enjoy it. Some use it as a starting point to just start
emailing me personal and I really enjoy that as well. So here I am again.
Please excuse the delay, I went out of town the past two weeks on a tour of
Italy, and I met up with Bianca there. It was a really heavenly time. I’ve
heard it said that Rome and Barcelona are the two best cities in Europe. You’ll
find no argument from me, and it give me an incentive to go visit Barcelona.
I flew to Italy on my birthday two weeks ago. I honestly
would have forgot except that my mother-in-waiting sent me a CD of a black
comedian who she said reminded her of me. At first I didn’t get how—well I
thought I knew how. But I read her note further and she said that we had
similar wit and timing. Now some of you are reading this and saying to
yourself, “What? He’s not funny!” Others are thinking, “What! He’s not tall!”
Some of you are saying “What? He’s black?” I can assure you, I am tall.
It was a sweet gift and I enjoyed listening to a black male
stand-up comedian who is as “funny” as me (don’t ask me). My mom sent me a new backpack,
cinnamon apple herbal tea (a Udoewa house favourite), chin-chin (a Nigerian
hard cookie snack), gardening gloves, respirator-filter masks (this is not for
SARS but for gardening since I am allergic to most grasses, weeds, trees,
flowers, and plants), basil seeds, carrot seeds, parsley seeds, a hand shovel,
a hand rake, two reusable gardening plastic bags, and a shirt that says “Really
REALLY Ridiculously Good Looking.” I know, I know, what you’re thinking. The
shirt should have had a third “really.” Bianca got me a small batik cloth, a
handmade leather key ring in the shape of Africa, a handmade leather-wood
pen-holder, a book on “Christianity after Religion,” 2 cards (I helped her with
a grant application so I think one is a thank-you card), and a hand-tailored
shirt from Niger. It’s very nice. So I felt appreciated and loved, most especially
by all the emails that came in. If you sent Facebook messages, I’m not ignoring
you, I just don’t know if you’re supposed to respond to wall messages. If you
didn’t message me on Facebook because I haven’t accepted your friend request,
who are you? No, I’m just kidding. . . .No, really. . .WHO are you? . . . No, I will accept your
request soon. I just don’t go on Facebook much and have a lot of requests to go
through. J

It’s strange walking around London. The other day I saw a man
with big lump in his back. I then said “Oooh,
a hunchback.” Then I realized the humpback was muscle. “OH, he’s an Olympian.”
And so the madness begins though it never really started. Some people were
going to work from home the entire time because it was supposed to be soo
ridiculously crowded. It was crowded and coming home from an Olympic event
could take a while, but London did such an excellent job with coordination and
planning that it went quite smoothly. Due to my Italy trip I missed more than
half of the Olympics but before leaving, I caught 3 football matches at Wembley
Stadium. I also went to the Olympic Park and saw all of the cool buildings
(Aquatic Centre, Velodrome, Olympic Stadium, etc.) that were built for this
Olympics. It is an amazing park, and I’m keen to see what will become of it
after the Paralympics. I actually wish I had looked for tickets earlier.
Watching the Opening and Closing Ceremonies on TV, I realized I would have
loved to be there even more than a specific match. A medal-winning match would
have been good, too, but I was just thankful to go and see a few games with
good friends and enjoy myself.
quite amazing, the spirit, the atmosphere, the frivolity. It kinda
makes me want to go back in time and do athletics/sports. I just don't like the
punishment (unnatural in some sports) that some athletes put their body through
so that they have really messed up bodies by mid-life. Still, the Olympics are
pretty grand. It's quite an amazing, global event and there are people here
from everywhere. It has a feeling of friendship and humanitarianism (except for
the kids saying “USA is the best in the world” at the men’s basketball gold
medal match between Spain and the U.S.; this irked my Liverpool workmate as he
thought “What country goes around claiming to be the best in the world?”).
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